Be Aware. Be Present.
It seems you can’t open a magazine or website these days without seeing the word “mindfulness,” but what exactly is it?
Mindfulness is the practice of directing your attention so you are fully aware of the present moment.
Quiet your mind.
Don’t think about the future or the past – just allow yourself to be.
And, it’s a lot harder than it sounds.
As humans, our brains have evolved to remember the past and plan for the future. This is how our ancestors avoided being eaten by saber tooth tigers!
“I saw the tiger by the big tree next to the fork in the stream last week. I will take a different route home.”
In modern times our concerns are less specific than the tiger and often generalize to reliving painful events…
Why did I say that to my boss?
And worrying about future ones…
What am I going to do if they fire me?
Mindfulness reduces worries and thinking…
…and lets you experience the present.
This promotes relaxation and gives your overworked brain a chance to rest.
Mindfulness is a type of meditation.
There are many types of meditation, way too many to address here, and there have been many debates on the particular differences among them.
Mindfulness can work for you.
The research on mindfulness continues to show that when practiced regularly, it has numerous physical and mental benefits.
In therapy, I see it as a warm-up exercise for the mind. We usually begin our sessions with a mindfulness exercise.
This lets the brain quiet down and the body relax for the next part of the session, talking and coming up with ways to reach your goals.
Give yourself the gift of mindfulness.
Contact me through the contact form below, and we will set up a free video consultation.